Abstract Art and Artificial Intelligence

First Abstract Work by Wassily Kandinsky

How would an intelligent software agent look at abstract art? Previously, we demonstrated why today’s intelligent agents are unable to comprehend a representational work of art. Could an intelligent agent decode Continue ReadingAbstract Art and Artificial Intelligence

Vermeer, Self-Driving Cars, the Gamesters of Triskelion, and Yayoi Kusama

The Love Letter - Vermeer

A large rubber ball bounces into the street, the driver sees the ball, intuits that a child might follow, and stops the car. Automated vehicles are incapable of accomplishing the Continue ReadingVermeer, Self-Driving Cars, the Gamesters of Triskelion, and Yayoi Kusama

Is Great Art Still Possible?

Bernini - Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

Art balances artistic technique with emotional expressiveness. The more difficult the act of balancing, the greater the art. If artistic technique dominates, we get craft. If emotional experience dominates, we Continue ReadingIs Great Art Still Possible?

Baudelaire and Dickinson: Religion for Moderns

Where do we find spirituality in a world without absolutes? Charles Baudelaire and Emily Dickinson offer two alternative paths. Let us compare two poems written about the same subject – Continue ReadingBaudelaire and Dickinson: Religion for Moderns

My Memory of a Time and Place Where I Never Was

"L’intérieur de chez Bruant: Le Mirliton" by Louis Anquetin

La Goule simultaneously fascinated and excited the patrons in Aristide Bruant‘s decadent, famous Paris cabaret, Le Mirliton, as portrayed in the newly rediscovered L’intérieur de chez Bruant: Le Mirliton I Continue ReadingMy Memory of a Time and Place Where I Never Was

“Heart and Soul” is a Chaconne – So What?

I was absolutely stunned when, in my late teens, I encountered the last movement of Bach’s Partita #2 for Violin, the “Great Chaconne”. I never cared why it was called Continue Reading“Heart and Soul” is a Chaconne – So What?