How Artistic Deception Created Modern Art

Calder "Snow Flurry"

Picasso said abstraction starts with an object, and then reality is removed.  Deception is at the heart of art, morphing reality into artistic lies representing the truth. How does an Continue ReadingHow Artistic Deception Created Modern Art

Baudelaire and Dickinson: Religion for Moderns

Where do we find spirituality in a world without absolutes? Charles Baudelaire and Emily Dickinson offer two alternative paths. Let us compare two poems written about the same subject – Continue ReadingBaudelaire and Dickinson: Religion for Moderns

Art and the Future of Pokémon Go

Raphael "The Wedding of the Virgin"

Pokémon Go players have fallen off a cliff, crashed their cars, and jumped into traffic. They have been robbed. Someone saw his house invaded by players who were told it Continue ReadingArt and the Future of Pokémon Go

My Memory of a Time and Place Where I Never Was

"L’intérieur de chez Bruant: Le Mirliton" by Louis Anquetin

La Goule simultaneously fascinated and excited the patrons in Aristide Bruant‘s decadent, famous Paris cabaret, Le Mirliton, as portrayed in the newly rediscovered L’intérieur de chez Bruant: Le Mirliton I Continue ReadingMy Memory of a Time and Place Where I Never Was

Understanding Art is Difficult: A Picture is Not Worth a Thousand Words

Seeing this in a museum what would you think it was?  Seeing it while driving, you would immediately watch for an intersection ahead. If you never saw a car in Continue ReadingUnderstanding Art is Difficult: A Picture is Not Worth a Thousand Words

The Digitization of Eternity: Humans Grow Old and Die, Should Not Art?

Can technology preserve artworks without changing them? Rothko painted five murals in 1962 for a room on the 10th floor of Harvard’s Holyoke Center. Sunlight and the chemically unstable paints Continue ReadingThe Digitization of Eternity: Humans Grow Old and Die, Should Not Art?